Exploring the CA model
The first studies on CA were by John von Neumann in the 1950s and were motivated by his interests in the field of biology, with the aim of defining artificial systems capable of simulating the behavior of natural systems. If the self-reproductive process can be simulated with a machine, then there must be an algorithm that can describe the operation of the machine. The research was aimed at replicating models that were computationally universal. We wanted to study computational models that had the property of not distinguishing the computation component from the memory component. The interactions in a cellular automaton are local, deterministic, and synchronous. The model is parallel, homogeneous, and discrete, both in space and in time. The connection of CA with the physical world and their simplicity are the basis of their success in the field of simulating natural phenomena.
CA are mathematical models that are used in the study of self-organizing systems...