When a <space> or <newline> character is not required to delimit a portion of C code, it is considered whitespace. Whitespace can also be <tab>, <carriage return>, and some other obscure characters. However, the use of tabs in C source files is discouraged since the program listing may look different on someone else's computer or when the source code is printed, thereby diminishing clarity and obfuscating your original intent.
Always use spaces instead of tabs in your source code files.
We write <newline> to mean the start of a new line, which has the same effect as hitting Enter on your keyboard. <space> similarly is the same as hitting the spacebar at the bottom of your keyboard.
There are many opinions by as many programmers on how to effectively use whitespace. Some programmers feel strongly about using two spaces to indent a line while others are vehement about using four spaces. Others...