The support for CMIS in Alfresco has evolved over a number of years. The following diagram shows the timeline:

Alfresco was one of the first companies to support CMIS, making a CMIS v0.5 implementation available in 2008. In 2009, Alfresco started to host an online server where people could try out the CMIS standard. This server, which is accessible via the http://cmis.alfresco.com URL, supports the CMIS 1.0 standard and the Browser binding, which is based on the CMIS 1.1 draft.
In mid 2010, Alfresco released both a Community version and an Enterprise version that supported the recently-approved CMIS 1.0 standard.
With Version 4.0 of the server, Alfresco switched from using a home-grown CMIS runtime based on Apache Abdera libraries to handle AtomPub protocol implementation, to using the OpenCMIS Server Framework. This was done to be able to benefit the users from the development of this framework that is used by many CMIS servers. It also made the OpenCMIS Java API available for developers...