One of the things that characterize the mobile experience (versus the desktop/laptop experience) is the touch screen. Owners of tablets and smartphones use their fingers to interact with their devices by performing various multi-touch gestures. These gestures include swipes, taps, double-taps, pinches, and so on. The Mobile Palette feature in Captivate gives you the ability to leverage the power of those mobile gestures in your projects. This is what you will examine right now using the following steps:
- Open the Chapter15/FluidBoxes.cptx project. This is the Responsive Project you created in Chapter 10, Creating a Responsive Project.
- Use the Window | Mobile Palette menu item to open the Mobile Palette floating panel.
As described in the following screenshot, the Mobile Palette allows you to enable mobile Gestures and Geolocation services for that project:

- Make sure that the Gesture Configuration checkbox is selected for this project.
Since this project does...