How do we find how much it has cost for the usage of AWS resources? In AWS portal, you can easily find it. AWS Billing and cost management provides detailed information on your usage of resources, budget, notifications, and to pay the bill.
In AWS portal, click on the username at the top-right bar and select My Billing Dashboard.
Billing & Cost Management Dashboard provides Spend Summary and Month-to-Date Spent by service as well.
Spend Summary provides a forecast also regarding the cost of the current month:

It is very easy to understand at a first glance regarding what services have cost you the money.
Click on Cost Explorer to get a monthly EC2 running hours, costs, and usage.

On the Reports drop-down menu, select Daily costs to get details of cost on a daily basis, as shown in the following screenshots:

Click on the Bill Details in the Month-to-Date spend by service section. You can expand all services to get more details on the cost incurred by the usage of it:

Click on the drop-down arrow of each service, and you will get the complete details, as shown in the following screenshot:

You can also manage budgets from My Billing Dashboard. You can create and manage budgets, refine your budget using filters, and add notifications to a budget.
The Payment Methods section will allow you to edit and remove Payment Methods and also making payments.
You can also configure Preferences to get the following:
- Receive PDF invoice by email
- Receive billing alerts
- Receive billing reports
In the next section, we will see a sample architecture using Amazon VPC.