Creating our first level
If you have not already done so, please open the game project in Stencyl. On the Dashboard, under the list of RESOURCES in the left-hand pane, click on Scenes.
You will see that the game currently contains no scenes, as shown in the following screenshot:

Click on This game contains no Scenes. Click here to create one to create the first level. We will be presented with a window where we are required to provide configuration data before we proceed with Stencyl. You should see the following window, without the Name, which I have provided for you to copy:

Let's proceed with the initial configuration of the scene by filling in the following fields:
- Name: We can name the scene
Level 1
, as shown in the previous screenshot. We will follow this convention for the naming of all our levels, so the second level will beLevel 2
and so on. - Width: By default, the scene width is measured in tiles. It is currently set to be the same width as the game window. We will not change...