Running and managing Databricks Workflows
With Databricks Workflows, you can see the current and past runs of any jobs you can access, even if they were started by other tools. Databricks keeps your job runs for up to 60 days. If you want to save them longer, Databricks suggests exporting them before expiration.
In this recipe, you will learn how to use the Databricks UI to see the jobs you can access, the past runs of a job, and the run details.
How to do it...
- Go to the workflow: Click on Workflows in the sidebar, then click on a job name in the Name column:

Figure 8.9 – Databricks Workflows list view
You will see the Runs tab with two views: matrix and list, as shown:

Figure 8.10 – Job matrix and run list view
- Matrix view: The matrix view shows you the previous runs of the job and its tasks.
- The Run total duration row shows you how long each run took and what state it was in: