Implementing the revised approach
In this section, we will see the implementation in the form of a code snippet. We will be following the same step that we saw in the previous section. So, without any delay, let's look at the code. You can refer to this code by using this GitHub link:
Importing the dependencies
You can refer to the code snippet in the following figure, where you can find the imported dependencies as well:

Figure 5.13: Code snippet where we can see the imported dependencies
As you can see, we have used the TensorFlow backend with the Keras library.
Downloading and loading the IMDb dataset
You can refer to the code snippet in the following figure, where you can also find the code for downloading and loading the IMDb dataset:

Figure 5.14: Code snippet for downloading and loading the IMDb dataset
We have also set the value of the vocabulary.
Choosing the top words and the maximum text length
At this...