Learning the importance of tips
One of the challenges of creating an app for a small screen, such as a smartphone screen, is to provide ways for the user to explore valuable features. Making users use more features is part of improving user engagement – measuring how much the user is actively involved and connected to our product.
That feature exploration is a real challenge. On the one hand, we aim to create a clean and straightforward user interface and, on the other hand, we aim to add more features that can be extremely useful to our users.
Every product manager struggles with this challenge – sometimes, the solution is to create a What’s new popup, send a marketing email, or add more information to the in-app FAQ screen.
One of the most valuable techniques is to provide a tip – a small text box that pops up in the right place at the right time to explain a new feature and can even add an action to help the user use it.
Let’s try to...