Initial data load
Often, introducing a new CRM into a large enterprise with thousands of users and millions of customers will require a large amount of data to be loaded with the initial data load. This could include loading hundreds of millions of records for the first time.
Typically, a modern CRM platform leverages web services to manage records and entity relationships. The platform does, therefore, execute checks and balances for each record loaded to the system. Sometimes the platform creates not only one record but also all of its dependencies and related entities in the system, which is the so-called ripple effect. For example, creating a record would then create relationships, views, charts, and so on.
Creating a new record and its dependencies, along with the ripple effect, is depicted in Figure 7.17:

Figure 7.17: The ripple effect in action
Creating hundreds of millions of records in a reasonable time has some performance considerations that you need to be aware of and prepared for...