- The correct partitioning of software into logical namespaces, interfaces, and classes, which aids the testing of software.
- By understanding APIs, you can KISS your code and keep it DRY by not reinventing the wheel and writing code that already exists. This saves time, energy, and money.
- Structs.
- Third-party APIs are written by software developers, and so subject to human error that introduces bugs. By testing third-party APIs, you can be confident they work as expected, and if not, then you can have the code fixed or write a wrapper for it.
- Your APIs are prone to errors. By testing them in keeping with the specification and its acceptance criteria, you can be sure you are delivering what the business wants at the agreed level of quality ready for public release.
- The specification and acceptance criteria provide the normal program flow. From them, you can determine what to test in regard to the normal flow...