Julia's package manager
The Packages section in Chapter 1, Installing the Julia Platform, introduced us to Julia's package system (some 1,906 packages in September 2018 and counting) and its manager program Pkg
. Most Julia libraries are written exclusively in Julia; this makes them not only more portable, but also an excellent source for learning and experimenting with Julia in your own modified versions. The packages that are useful for data scientists are Stats
, Distributions
, and Optim
. You can search for applicable packages in the https://pkg.julialang.org/ repository.
Installing and updating packages
Use the status
command in the package REPL mode to see which packages have already been installed:
It is advisable to regularly (and certainly before installing a new package) execute the up
command to ensure that your local package repository is up-to-date and synchronized, as shown in the following screenshot:
If you only want to update one package, specify the package name after the...