Defining a taxonomy of data disciplines
The explosion of data and the potential applications of that data over the past few years have led to a proliferation of job roles and responsibilities. The debate that once raged over how a data scientist was different from a statistician has now become extremely complex. I would argue, however, that it does not have to be so complicated. The activities that have to be undertaken to get value from data are pretty consistent, no matter what business vertical you are in, so it should be reasonable to expect that the skills and roles you need to perform these steps will also be relatively consistent. In this chapter, we will explore some of the main data disciplines that I think you will always need in any data project. As you can guess, given the name of this book, I will be particularly keen to explore the notion of ML engineering and how this fits into the mix.
Let's now look at some of the roles involved in using data in the modern landscape.
Data scientist
Since the Harvard Business Review declared that being a data scientist was The Sexiest Job of the 21st Century (, this title has become one of the most sought after, but also hyped, in the mix. A data scientist can cover an entire spectrum of duties, skills, and responsibilities depending on the business vertical, the organization, or even just personal preference. No matter how this role is defined, however, there are some key areas of focus that should always be part of the data scientist's job profile:
- Analysis: A data scientist should be able to wrangle, mung, manipulate, and consolidate datasets before performing calculations on that data that help us to understand it. Analysis is a broad term, but it's clear that the end result is knowledge of your dataset that you didn't have before you started, no matter how basic or complex.
- Modeling: The thing that gets everyone excited (potentially including you, dear reader) is the idea of modeling data. A data scientist usually has to be able to apply statistical, mathematical, and machine learning models to data in order to explain it or perform some sort of prediction.
- Working with the customer or user: The data science role usually has some more business-directed elements so that the results of steps 1 and 2 can support decision making in the organization. This could be done by presenting the results of analysis in PowerPoints or Jupyter notebooks or even sending an email with a summary of the key results. It involves communication and business acumen in a way that goes beyond classic tech roles.
ML engineer
A newer kid on the block, and indeed the subject of this book, is the ML engineer. This role has risen to fill the perceived gap between the analysis and modeling of data science and the world of software products and robust systems engineering.
You can articulate the need for this type of role quite nicely by considering a classic voice assistant. In this case, a data scientist would usually focus on translating the business requirements into a working speech-to-text model, potentially a very complex neural network, and showing that it can perform the desired voice transcription task in principle. ML engineering is then all about how you take that speech-to-text model and build it into a product, service, or tool that can be used in production. Here, it may mean building some software to train, retrain, deploy, and track the performance of the model as more transcription data is accumulated, or user preferences are understood. It may also involve understanding how to interface with other systems and how to provide results from the model in the appropriate formats, for example, interacting with an online store.
Data scientists and ML engineers have a lot of overlapping skill sets and competencies, but have different areas of focus and strengths (more on this later), so they will usually be part of the same project team and may have either title, but it will be clear what hat they are wearing from what they do in that project.
Similar to the data scientist, we can define the key areas of focus for the ML engineer:
- Translation: Taking models and research code in a variety of formats and translating this into slicker, more robust pieces of code. This could be done using OO programming, functional programming, a mix, or something else, but basically helps to take the Proof-Of-Concept work of the data scientist and turn it into something that is far closer to being trusted in a production environment.
- Architecture: Deployments of any piece of software do not occur in a vacuum and will always involve lots of integrated parts. This is true of machine learning solutions as well. The ML engineer has to understand how the appropriate tools and processes link together so that the models built with the data scientist can do their job and do it at scale.
- Productionization: The ML engineer is focused on delivering a solution and so should understand the customer's requirements inside out, as well as be able to understand what that means for the project development. The end goal of the ML engineer is not to provide a good model (though that is part of it), nor is it to provide something that basically works. Their job is to make sure that the hard work on the data science side of things generates the maximum potential value in a real-world setting.
Data engineer
The most important people in any data team (in my opinion) are the people who are responsible for getting the commodity that everything else in the preceding sections is based on from A to B with high fidelity, appropriate latency, and with as little effort on the part of the other team members as possible. You cannot create any type of software product, never mind a machine learning product, without data.
The key areas of focus for a data engineer are as follows:
- Quality: Getting data from A to B is a pointless exercise if the data is garbled, fields are missing, or IDs are screwed up. The data engineer cares about avoiding this and uses a variety of techniques and tools, generally to ensure that the data that left the source system is what lands in your data storage layer.
- Stability: Similar to the previous point on quality, if the data comes from A to B but it only does it every second Wednesday if it's not a rainy day, then what's the point? Data engineers spend a lot of time and effort and use their considerable skills to ensure that data pipelines are robust, reliable, and can be trusted to deliver when promised.
- Access: Finally, the aim of getting the data from A to B is for it to be used by applications, analyses, and machine learning models, so the nature of the B is important. The data engineer will have a variety of technologies to hand for surfacing data and should work with the data consumers (our data scientists and machine learning engineers, among others) to define and create appropriate data models within these solutions:

Figure 1.1 – A diagram showing the relationships between data science, ML engineering, and data engineering
As mentioned previously, this book focuses on the work of the ML engineer and how you can learn some of the skills useful for that role, but it is always important to remember that you will not be working in a vacuum. Always keep in mind the profiles of the other roles (and many more not covered here that will exist in your project team) so that you work most effectively together. Data is a team sport after all!