General non-linear optimization
You may be interested in solving general non-linear optimization problems where the constraints are not linear. The solnp()
function from the Rsolnp
package allows you to solve general non-linear programming problems. For example, say we wanted to minimize the function subject to the constraint
First, we install and load the package as follows:
> install.packages("Rsolnp") > library("Rsolnp") # We also suggest taking a look at the help page for the function arguments and restriction > help(solnp)
Then, we store our function to minimize f
as follows:
> f <- function(x){ 4*x[1] - 2*x[2] }
We need to store our constraint function in a separate object as follows:
> ctr <- function(x){ x[1]^2 + x[2]^2 }
Next, we store the value on the right-hand side of the constraint equation in a separate object as follows:
> constraints <- c(41)
Then, we store the initial parameters for and
as follows:
> x0 <- c(1, 1)
We are ready to...