In this section, we will build our H-Bridge circuit that we will use to control two DC motors. The following schematic describes the circuit we will create. While this circuit looks busy, most of our work will be simply connecting the legs of the L293D IC to our Raspberry Pi, power source, and motors:
Figure 10.5 – L293D and motor schematic diagram
As there are a lot of wire connections to get through, we will build this circuit on our breadboard in four parts.
We will be using an IC in our circuit build. Many ICs (including the L293D) are sensitive to static electricity discharge (ESD), and if exposed to static discharge, they can be damaged. As a general rule, you should avoid touching the pins/legs of an IC with your fingers so that any static charge you have in your body does not get discharged to the IC.
Let's get started with the first part, as illustrated in the following diagram:
Figure 10.6 – L293D breadboard layout...