As we have already configured the deployment to Tomcat, you should have the application running now. You can always download the source code for this book; find the source code under the worldgdp folder. After downloading, you have to build it using Maven, as follows:
$ mvn package
The preceding command will run the tests as well. The WAR file worldgdp.war, present in the target, can be uploaded to Tomcat through the Manager app or copied to the TOMCAT_HOME/webapps folder. Tomcat will then explode the archive and deploy the app.
The following are some of the screenshots of the application in action, starting with the listing page:
Next is the page that displays the country details:
The form that is used to edit the country details is shown in the following screenshot:
Then we have popups that are used to add a new city to the country, as shown in the following screenshot:
Similarly, we have another popup to add a new country language, as shown in the following: