Deployment strategies
Although deployment strategies are very well described and are not exclusive to clouds, it is the cloud-native environment that enables most of these. This is the reason why we define them here again; we will also look at their potential in terms of cloud environments.
In this section, we will go through three of the most popular strategies, and we will start with the blue-green deployment strategy.
Blue-green deployment strategy
Blue-green is probably the most well-known, but also the most mistakenly understood, strategy in terms what its subject. In other words, people often misunderstand what part of the application and infrastructure is part of the blue-green deployment. That is why we will start with diagrams that present the strategy at a high-level view. Please follow these two diagrams and observe the change.
The first diagram shows the used environment (v.1) and the prepared and ready environment (v.2). The whole point here is that the prepared...