What this book covers
Chapter 1, Setting Up GameSalad, teaches you how to sign up for an account for GameSalad, download the software, and install it on your system. We will then go through the interface to see what does what.
Chapter 2, From Design to Production, covers the process of designing your game, from a game design document to level and character design. From there, you will learn how to take your sketches from the design document and put them on the screen using imaging software to create "sprites". Then, you will start producing your game.
Chapter 3, Diving In – Introductions and Menus, teaches you how to create a logo animation for your game, as well as introductions and a main menu. We will make full use of GameSalad's tables feature as well.
Chapter 4, Diving In – Player Creation, teaches you how to create the main character from the images we created earlier. We will discuss player movement, controls, collisions, and more!
Chapter 5, Diving In – Gameplay Mechanics, teaches you how to create health for our player, a scoring system, lives, and an inventory system.
Chapter 6, Diving In – Enemies, teaches you how to create enemies, which will include movement with a great path finding system, health, attacking, and more.
Chapter 7, Diving In – Objectives, teaches you how to integrate level objectives into your game. We will discuss a way finding system, boss fights, and finally we will discuss publishing your game and how to make money off it!
Appendix, The Challenges of Game Development, covers the hardship of independent game developers along with the journey of two of the biggest indie titles ever released—FEZ and Super Meat Boy.