- activation functions / Neural networks as an extension of linear regression, Activation functions
- activation layer / Extracting richer representation with CNNs
- Adagrad / But what is a recurrent neural network, really?
- Adaptive Boosting (AdaBoost) / How does deep learning become a state-of-the-art solution?
- advanced deep learning text classification
- about / Advanced deep learning text classification
- 1-d convolutional neural network model / 1D convolutional neural network model
- recurrent neural networks (RNN) / Recurrent neural network model
- Long Short Term Memory model / Long short term memory model
- Gated Recurrent Units (GR's) / Gated Recurrent Units model
- bi-directional LSTM model / Bidirectional LSTM model
- stacked bi-directional model / Stacked bidirectional model
- bi-directional, with 1-d convolutional neural network model / Bidirectional with 1D convolutional neural network model
- AlexNet / The ImageNet dataset
- Amazon Machine Image (AMI) / A brief introduction to AWS, Creating a deep learning AMI in AWS
- array.batch.size parameter / The array.batch.size parameter
- artificial intelligence / What is deep learning?
- artificial neural network (ANN) / What is deep learning and why do we need it?
- auto-encoders
- working / How do auto-encoders work?
- regularized auto-encoders / Regularized auto-encoders
- penalized auto-encoders / Penalized auto-encoders
- denoising auto-encoders / Denoising auto-encoders
- training, in R / Training an auto-encoder in R
- features, accessing / Accessing the features of the auto-encoder model
- used, for anomaly detection / Using auto-encoders for anomaly detection
- autoencoder
- example / Our first examples
- about / Autoencoders and MNIST
- credit card, fraud detection / Credit card fraud detection with autoencoders
- exploratory data analysis / Exploratory data analysis
- Keras / The autoencoder approach – Keras
- fraud detection, with H2O / Fraud detection with H2O
- using, for deep learning / Using AWS for deep learning
- working / A brief introduction to AWS
- virtual machine, using / A brief introduction to AWS
- deep learning GPU instance, creating / Creating a deep learning GPU instance in AWS
- deep learning AMI, creating / Creating a deep learning AMI in AWS
- Azure
- using, for deep learning / Using Azure for deep learning
- backpropagation algorithm / Going from logistic regression to single-layer neural networks
- backpropagation through time / But what is a recurrent neural network, really?
- backward-propagation / Neural networks as an extension of linear regression
- benchmark
- about / Bag of words benchmark
- data, preparing / Preparing the data
- implementing / Implementing a benchmark – logistic regression
- bi-directional LSTM model / Bidirectional LSTM model
- Bi-directional LSTM networks / Bi-directional LSTM networks
- binary classification model / The binary classification model
- improving / Improving the binary classification model
- checkpoint package
- reference / Setting up reproducible results
- classification
- about / What is deep learning?
- with fashion MNIST dataset / Classification using the fashion MNIST dataset
- classification and regression training (caret) / First attempt – logistic regression
- co-occurrence matrix / GloVe
- collaborative filtering
- about / Use case – collaborative filtering
- data, preparing / Preparing the data
- model, building / Building a collaborative filtering model
- deep learning model, building / Building a deep learning collaborative filtering model
- deep learning model, applying / Applying the deep learning model to a business problem
- comma-delimited (CSV) format / Data download and exploration
- computation graph
- example / Introduction to the MXNet deep learning library
- Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) / How does deep learning become a state-of-the-art solution?
- contrastive divergence algorithm / Deep neural networks
- convolutional layer / Extracting richer representation with CNNs
- convolutional layers
- about / Convolutional layers
- pooling layers / Pooling layers
- dropout / Dropout
- flatten layers / Flatten layers, dense layers, and softmax
- softmax layer / Flatten layers, dense layers, and softmax
- dense layers / Flatten layers, dense layers, and softmax
- convolutional neural networks (CNNs)
- about / Deep neural networks, MXNet, CNNs
- with TensorFlow / Convolutional neural networks using TensorFlow
- used, for handwritten digit recognition / Handwritten digit recognition using CNNs
- used, for German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB) / Traffic sign recognition using CNN
- MXNet, used / First solution – convolutional neural networks using MXNet
- Keras, used with TensorFlow in CNNs / Trying something new – CNNs using Keras with TensorFlow
- methods, reviewing to prevent overfitting / Reviewing methods to prevent overfitting in CNNs
- corpus / Comparing traditional text classification and deep learning
- cost function / Neural networks as an extension of linear regression
- credit card
- fraud detection, with autoencoder / Credit card fraud detection with autoencoders
- cross-entropy method / RNN without derivatives — the cross-entropy method
- ctx parameter / The symbol, X, y, and ctx parameters
- customer lifetime value (CLV) / Evaluating performance
- 1-d convolutional neural network model / 1D convolutional neural network model
- 2D example / A simple 2D example
- data
- preparing / Preparing the data
- data augmentation
- about / Data augmentation
- training data, increasing / Using data augmentation to increase the training data
- test time augmentation / Test time augmentation
- using, in deep learning libraries / Using data augmentation in deep learning libraries
- data cleansing / The importance of data cleansing
- data distributions / Different data distributions
- data exploration
- about / Warm-up – data exploration
- tidy text, working / Working with tidy text
- n-grams, calculating instead of single words / The more, the merrier – calculating n-grams instead of single words
- data leakage / Data leakage
- data partitioning / Data partition between training, test, and validation sets
- data preparation / Data preparation
- data preprocessing / Data preprocessing
- dataset
- URL, for downloading / Exploratory data analysis
- deep belief networks (DBNs) / Deep neural networks
- deep feedforward neural networks / Getting started with deep feedforward neural networks
- deep learning
- about / What is deep learning?, Back to deep learning, What makes deep learning special?
- myths / Some common myths about deep learning
- versus traditional text classification / Comparing traditional text classification and deep learning
- local computer, setting up for / Setting up a local computer for deep learning
- AWS, using for / Using AWS for deep learning
- Azure, using for / Using Azure for deep learning
- Google Cloud, using for / Using Google Cloud for deep learning
- Paperspace, using for / Using Paperspace for deep learning
- reinforcement learning / Reinforcement learning
- need for / What is deep learning and why do we need it?
- applications / What are the applications of deep learning?
- applying, in self-driving cars / How is deep learning applied in self-driving cars?
- state-of-the-art solution / How does deep learning become a state-of-the-art solution?
- deep learning AMI
- creating, in AWS / Creating a deep learning AMI in AWS
- deep learning frameworks, R
- MXNet / MXNet
- Keras / Keras
- deep learning GPU instance
- creating, in AWS / Creating a deep learning GPU instance in AWS
- deep learning layers / Deep learning layers
- deep learning libraries
- data augmentation, using / Using data augmentation in deep learning libraries
- deep learning model
- building / Building a deep learning model
- base model / Base model (no convolutional layers)
- deep learning networks
- visualizing, TensorBoard used / Using TensorBoard to visualize deep learning networks
- deep learning NLP architectures
- comparing / Comparing the deep learning NLP architectures
- deep learning text classification / Deep learning text classification
- deep neural network (DNN) / Deep neural networks
- dense layer / Deep learning layers
- dimensionality-reduction / Building neural network models
- document classification / Document classification
- downsampling layer / Extracting richer representation with CNNs
- dropout
- used, for improving out-of-sample model performance / Use case – improving out-of-sample model performance using dropout
- Emacs / Setting up your R environment
- epoch.end.callback parameter / The epoch.end.callback parameter
- parameter / The eval.metric and parameters
- eval.metric parameter / The eval.metric and parameters
- evaluation metrics
- about / Evaluation metrics and evaluating performance
- types / Types of evaluation metric
- exploratory data analysis / Exploratory data analysis, Exploratory data analysis
- fashion MNIST dataset
- using, in classification / Classification using the fashion MNIST dataset
- feature map / Extracting richer representation with CNNs
- forward-propagation / Neural networks as an extension of linear regression
- forward propagation / But what is a recurrent neural network, really?
- fraud detection
- with H2O / Fraud detection with H2O
- Gated Recurrent Units (GR's) / Gated Recurrent Units model
- Gated recurrent units (GRUs) / GRU
- gates / LSTM
- generative adversarial networks (GANs) / Other deep learning topics
- German Traffic Sign Recognition Benchmark (GTSRB)
- convolutional neural networks (CNNs), used / Traffic sign recognition using CNN
- exploring / Getting started with exploring GTSRB
- convolutional neural networks (CNNs), using MXNet / First solution – convolutional neural networks using MXNet
- convolutional neural networks (CNNs), using Keras with TensorFlow / Trying something new – CNNs using Keras with TensorFlow
- overfitting, reducing with dropout / Reducing overfitting with dropout
- global vectors (GloVe) / GloVe
- Google Cloud
- using, for deep learning / Using Google Cloud for deep learning
- Google Neural Machine Translation system (GNMT) / What are the applications of deep learning?
- GPUs / Do I need a GPU (and what is it, anyway)?
- graphical processing units (GPUs) / The ImageNet dataset
- GRU networks / LSTM and GRU networks, GRU
- H2O
- installing / Installing H2O
- h2o
- reference / Deep learning frameworks for R
- handwritten digit recognition
- CNNs, used / Handwritten digit recognition using CNNs
- hidden layer
- about / What is deep learning and why do we need it?, Multi-layer perceptron
- adding, to networks / Adding more hidden layers to the networks
- histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) / What makes deep learning special?, How does deep learning become a state-of-the-art solution?
- hyperparameters, tuning
- about / Tuning hyperparameters
- grid search / Grid search
- random search / Random search
- image classification
- with MXNet library / Image classification using the MXNet library
- image classification models
- about / Image classification models
- existing models, loading / Loading an existing model
- image classification solution
- building / Building a complete image classification solution
- image data, creating / Creating the image data
- deep learning model, building / Building the deep learning model
- saved deep learning model, using / Using the saved deep learning model
- ImageNet dataset / The ImageNet dataset
- ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC) / The ImageNet dataset
- Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) / A brief introduction to AWS
- initializer parameter / The initializer parameter
- integrated development environment (IDE) / Setting up your R environment
- International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML) / What are the applications of deep learning?
- Internet of Things (IoT) / What are the applications of deep learning?
- kappa metric / Sentiment extraction
- Keras
- about / Keras, Getting ready, The autoencoder approach – Keras
- reference / Keras
- URL / Trying something new – CNNs using Keras with TensorFlow
- used, with TensorFlow / Trying something new – CNNs using Keras with TensorFlow
- used, for Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) / Trying something new – CNNs using Keras with TensorFlow, RNN using Keras
- installing, for R / Installing Keras and TensorFlow for R
- Kullback-Leibler divergence / Variational Autoencoders
- L1 penalty
- about / Using regularization to overcome overfitting, L1 penalty
- working / L1 penalty in action
- L2 penalty
- about / Using regularization to overcome overfitting, L2 penalty
- working / L2 penalty in action
- in neural networks / Weight decay (L2 penalty in neural networks)
- Lasso / Using regularization to overcome overfitting
- Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) / What makes deep learning special?
- latent variables / Variational Autoencoders
- layer / What is deep learning?
- learning rate / Neural networks as an extension of linear regression
- least-absolute shrinkage and selection operator / L1 penalty
- LeNet
- about / Image classification using the MXNet library
- model, creating / LeNet
- Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) / How is deep learning applied in self-driving cars?
- LIME (Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations) / Some common myths about deep learning
- linear regression
- with TensorFlow / Linear regression using TensorFlow
- local computer
- setting up, for deep learning / Setting up a local computer for deep learning
- Local Interpretable Model-Agnostic Explanations (LIME)
- using, for interpretability / Use case—using LIME for interpretability
- model interpretability / Model interpretability with LIME
- logistic regression
- about / First attempt – logistic regression
- to single-layer neural networks / Going from logistic regression to single-layer neural networks
- long short-term memory networks (LSTMs) / MXNet, Long short term memory model
- LSTM architectures / Other LSTM architectures
- LSTM networks / LSTM and GRU networks, LSTM
- machine learning / What is deep learning?
- Market Basket Analysis / Use case – collaborative filtering
- Mean Absolute Error (MAE) / Types of evaluation metric
- Mean Squared Error (MSE) / Types of evaluation metric
- memory / A simple benchmark implementation
- metrics, in Keras
- reference / Types of evaluation metric
- metrics, in MXNet
- reference / Types of evaluation metric
- about / What are the applications of deep learning?, Autoencoders and MNIST
- exploring / Get started with exploring MNIST
- outlier detection / Outlier detection in MNIST, Outlier detection in MNIST
- model interpretability
- in LIME / Model interpretability with LIME
- Momentum / Adding more hidden layers to the networks
- MSE (mean-squared error) / Neural networks as an extension of linear regression
- MXNet
- about / MXNet, Introduction to the MXNet deep learning library
- using, for classification / Use case – using MXNet for classification and regression
- using, for regression / Use case – using MXNet for classification and regression
- data download / Data download and exploration
- data exploration / Data download and exploration
- data, preparing for models / Preparing the data for our models
- binary classification model / The binary classification model
- regression model / The regression model
- image classification / Image classification using the MXNet library
- used, for convolutional neural networks (CNNs) / First solution – convolutional neural networks using MXNet
- National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) / What are the applications of deep learning?
- natural language processing (NLP) / What are the applications of deep learning?, Word embeddings
- neural network code / Neural network code
- neural network models
- building / Building neural network models
- neural networks
- about / A conceptual overview of neural networks
- as extension of linear regression / Neural networks as an extension of linear regression
- example / Neural networks as an extension of linear regression
- as network of memory cells / Neural networks as a network of memory cells
- in R / Neural networks in R
- predictions, generating from / Generating predictions from a neural network
- building / Use case – building and applying a neural network
- applying / Use case – building and applying a neural network
- building, in R / Building neural networks from scratch in R
- neural network web application / Neural network web application
- nnet package / Setting up your R environment
- non-linear layer / Extracting richer representation with CNNs
- num.round parameter / The num.round and begin.round parameters
- optimizer parameter / The optimizer parameter
- ordinary least squares (OLS) / L1 penalty
- out-of-sample model performance
- improving, dropout used / Use case – improving out-of-sample model performance using dropout
- overfitting
- overcoming, regularization used / Using regularization to overcome overfitting
- reducing, with dropout / Reducing overfitting with dropout
- overfitting data
- issue / The problem of overfitting data – the consequences explained
- Paperspace
- using, for deep learning / Using Paperspace for deep learning
- performance
- evaluating / Evaluation metrics and evaluating performance, Evaluating performance
- Platform as a Service (PaaS) / A brief introduction to AWS
- polynomial regression / Neural networks as an extension of linear regression
- pooling layer / Extracting richer representation with CNNs
- portable pixmap (PPM) / Getting started with exploring GTSRB
- precision-recall curve (AUC) / Credit card fraud detection with autoencoders
- predictions
- generating, from neural network / Generating predictions from a neural network
- principal component analysis (PCA) / Building neural network models, What is unsupervised learning?, What makes deep learning special?
- R
- reference / Setting up your R environment
- deep learning frameworks / Deep learning frameworks for R
- neural networks, building / Building neural networks from scratch in R
- R6 class
- perceptron / Perceptron as an R6 class
- logistic regression / Logistic regression
- multi-layer perceptron / Multi-layer perceptron
- receiver-operator characteristic (ROC) / Credit card fraud detection with autoencoders
- receptive field / Extracting richer representation with CNNs
- rectified linear unit (ReLU) / Adding more hidden layers to the networks
- recurrent neural network
- about / What is so exciting about recurrent neural networks?, But what is a recurrent neural network, really?
- LSTM networks / LSTM and GRU networks
- GRU networks / LSTM and GRU networks
- recurrent neural network (RNN) / Deep neural networks, Recurrent neural network model
- Recurrent neural networks (RNNs)
- about / What makes deep learning special?
- from scratch in R / RNNs from scratch in R
- implementing / Implementing a RNN
- implementing, using R6 class / Implementation as an R6 class
- implementing, without R6 class / Implementation without R6
- without derivatives / RNN without derivatives — the cross-entropy method
- Keras, used / RNN using Keras
- benchmark implementation / A simple benchmark implementation
- new text, generating from old text / Generating new text from old
- regions of interest (ROI) / Getting started with exploring GTSRB
- regression / What is deep learning?, Neural networks as an extension of linear regression
- regularization
- used, for overcoming overfitting / Using regularization to overcome overfitting
- ensembles / Ensembles and model-averaging
- model-averaging / Ensembles and model-averaging
- reinforcement learning / Reinforcement learning
- relu activation / Activation functions
- Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) / Using Azure for deep learning
- R environment
- setting up / Setting up your R environment
- reproducible results
- setting up / Setting up reproducible results
- Reuters dataset / The Reuters dataset
- RFM analysis / Use case – collaborative filtering
- richer representation
- extracting, with CNNs / Extracting richer representation with CNNs
- Ridge / Using regularization to overcome overfitting
- ridge regression / L2 penalty
- R language
- RNNs, from scratch / RNNs from scratch in R
- classes, with R6 / Classes in R with R6
- Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) / Types of evaluation metric
- R Shiny / Neural network web application
- R Shiny web application
- example / Setting up your R environment
- RStudio
- reference / Setting up your R environment
- using / Setting up your R environment
- RStudio IDE / Setting up your R environment
- Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT) / What makes deep learning special?, How does deep learning become a state-of-the-art solution?
- sentiment analysis
- about / Sentiment analysis from movie reviews
- data preprocessing / Data preprocessing
- words, to vectors / From words to vectors
- sentiment extraction / Sentiment extraction
- data cleansing / The importance of data cleansing
- vector embeddings / Vector embeddings and neural networks
- neural networks / Vector embeddings and neural networks
- vector embedding / Vector embeddings and neural networks
- Bi-directional LSTM networks / Bi-directional LSTM networks
- LSTM architectures / Other LSTM architectures
- mining, from Twitter / Mining sentiment from Twitter
- Twitter API, connecting / Connecting to the Twitter API
- model, building / Building our model
- Software as a Service (SaaS) / A brief introduction to AWS
- Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) / What makes deep learning special?, How does deep learning become a state-of-the-art solution?
- stacked bi-directional model / Stacked bidirectional model
- standardization / Standardization
- stochastic gradient descent (SGD) / Trying something new – CNNs using Keras with TensorFlow
- Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator (SNNS) / Setting up your R environment, Building neural network models
- supervised learning / What is deep learning?
- Support Vector Machine (SVM) / What are the applications of deep learning?, How does deep learning become a state-of-the-art solution?
- symbol parameter / The symbol, X, y, and ctx parameters
- TensorBoard
- used, for visualizing deep learning networks / Using TensorBoard to visualize deep learning networks
- TensorFlow
- about / Introduction to the TensorFlow library, Getting ready
- models / TensorFlow models
- linear regression / Linear regression using TensorFlow
- Convolutional neural networks / Convolutional neural networks using TensorFlow
- runs package / TensorFlow runs package
- used, in CNNs with Keras / Trying something new – CNNs using Keras with TensorFlow
- URL / Trying something new – CNNs using Keras with TensorFlow
- installing, for R / Installing Keras and TensorFlow for R
- TensorFlow estimators / TensorFlow estimators
- TensorFlow models
- deploying / Deploying TensorFlow models
- tensors / Introduction to the MXNet deep learning library, Introduction to the TensorFlow library
- test time augmentation (TTA) / Using data augmentation to increase the training data, Test time augmentation
- text fraud detection
- about / Text fraud detection
- unstructured text data, to matrix / From unstructured text data to a matrix
- text, to matrix representation / From text to matrix representation — the Enron dataset
- autoencoder, on matrix representation / Autoencoder on the matrix representation
- tf-idf (term frequency, inverse document frequency) / Comparing traditional text classification and deep learning
- tidy text
- working / Working with tidy text
- tokens / Word vectors
- traditional text classification
- about / Traditional text classification
- versus deep learning / Comparing traditional text classification and deep learning
- trained model
- using / Using a trained model
- training data
- increasing, data augmentation used / Using data augmentation to increase the training data
- training run / TensorFlow runs package
- transfer learning / Transfer learning
- Twitter API
- connecting / Connecting to the Twitter API
- undercomplete auto-encoder / How do auto-encoders work?
- unigrams / Data preprocessing
- unstructured text data
- to matrix representation / From unstructured text data to a matrix
- unsupervised learning / What is deep learning?, What is unsupervised learning?
- Variational Autoencoders (VAE)
- about / Variational Autoencoders
- used, for image reconstruction / Image reconstruction using VAEs
- outlier detection, in MNIST / Outlier detection in MNIST
- vector embedding / Vector embeddings and neural networks
- vector embeddings / Vector embeddings and neural networks
- vectors
- to words / From words to vectors
- weight decay / Weight decay (L2 penalty in neural networks)
- word2vec / word2vec
- word embeddings
- about / Word embeddings
- word2vec / word2vec
- GloVe / GloVe
- words
- to vectors / From words to vectors
- word vectors / Word vectors