The Display Transform Control
This area, shown in Figure 1.25, is located at the bottom-right corner of the Inkscape window and contains a manual control for the Desk view. It includes a readout of the X and Y cursor position when it’s over the Desk (measured from the top-left corner of the page), a zoom control, and a view rotation control:

Figure 1.25 – Display Transform Control
Right-clicking the zoom or rotation controls gives some nice preset options, as shown in Figure 1.26, some of which are also in the View menu:

Figure 1.26 – Right-clicking the R Spin Box gives a nice set of preset rotations
For the most part, I recommend using hotkeys and mouse buttons for the navigation described in the The Desk and Page area section earlier in this chapter, but if you’re lost in some blank area of the Desk, or the display is rotated at a strange angle and you don’t know how you got there, this bar allows you to get back where you were quickly.