What are apps that are built for Xero?
Xero on its own is a powerful tool in the small to medium-sized business and accounting worlds. Add a few properly vetted and placed apps, and Xero is now supercharged and an efficient, well-oiled machine.
I like to put apps in two categories, internal or foundational apps and external or your client-side deliverable apps.
To get an idea of the apps available to Xero users, you should head to the Xero App Store at Apps.Xero.Com
Here, you can see the hundreds of apps built and approved for use with Xero.
You can search the App Store by app function, the industries they serve, and by collections, which are Xero staff picks, featured apps, and the like.
Figure 19.1: Xero App Store home page
As you can see in Figure 19.1, you can search for specific apps, industries, tasks, and departments. You can click on Popular app categories such as Time tracking, Payroll HR, Payments, Inventory, Reporting, and...