What this book covers
Chapter 1, Web Development and the FARM Stack, starts with a brief introduction to the problems of the modern web and provides an analysis of the components of the stack and their benefits.
Chapter 2, Setting Up the Document Store with MongoDB, provides a quick but operative introduction to MongoDB through simple illustrative examples that will enable you to start prototyping quickly.
Chapter 3, Getting Started with FastAPI, explores the basics of the FastAPI framework, as well as the foundations upon which it is built: types, its asynchronous nature, and how it handles typical web-related tasks.
Chapter 4, Setting Up a React Workflow, is a very basic introduction to the React library and its basic features that enable developers to create simple or complex user interfaces. A brief introduction to JSX, React Hooks, and the handling of state and events is provided.
Chapter 5, Building the Backend for Our Application, teaches you how to create a basic backend with CRUD functionality using FastAPI and MongoDB and how to make it available through a Heroku deployment.
Chapter 6, Building the Frontend of the Application, continues the previous example and shows how to build a minimal React-based frontend for our application using the latest version of React Router for navigation.
Chapter 7, Authentication and Authorization, provides a practical introduction to JWT (JSON Web Token) based authentication and its implementation with FastAPI and React.
Chapter 8, Server-Side Rendering and Image Processing with FastAPI and Next.js, provides an introduction to the Next.js framework and its various page rendering methods as well as an image processing pipeline based on Cloudinary and the Python Pillow module. Finally, it shows how an application can be deployed on Vercel.
Chapter 9, Building a Data Visualization App with the FARM Stack, shows how to achieve various functionalities that might be needed in a modern web application – sending emails, displaying charts or dashboards based on data, creating reports, and more.
Chapter 10, Caching with Redis and Deployment on Ubuntu (DigitalOcean) and Netlify, provides an in-depth guide to deployment of FastAPI on a Ubuntu server with Nginx on a popular platform and the use of Netlify for the frontend.
Chapter 11, Useful Resources and Project Ideas, concludes with some useful tips and considerations regarding the various stack components and provides some project ideas for further development.