How to improve your writing
The following tips are some common steps I take to make writing more confident and easier to understand.
Decide on the terminology you use to describe and identify certain terms and stick to it. Figure out your documentation’s general tone of voice and stick to it. Every inconsistency you have leaves the reader wondering if you mean the same thing as you meant before. Does a distributed network consist of units, nodes, or instances? It doesn’t matter which you pick, but once you do, stick to it. Once you settle on an example use case or more, stick to them and build upon them. Are you formal or friendly in your tone? Do you use humor (if you do, be careful, but that’s another discussion)? Again, your decision isn’t important at this level of discussion. What’s important is that you stick to your decision.
Regarding terminology, technology is full of jargon and acronyms. That is, single-letter combinations...