External function calls
Solidity has two kinds of function calls: internal and external. Aninternal function call is when a function calls another function in the same contract. An external function call is when a function calls a function of another contract.
The following an example:
contract sample1 { int a; //"payable" is a built-in modifier //This modifier is required if another contract is sending // Ether while calling the method function sample1(int b) payable { a = b; } function assign(int c) { a = c; } function makePayment(int d) payable { a = d; } } contract sample2{ function hello() { } function sample2(address addressOfContract) { //send 12 wei while creating contract instance sample1 s = (new sample1).value(12)(23); s.makePayment(22); //sending Ether also s.makePayment.value(45)(12); //specifying...