Radar chart
A radar chart is a chart used for comparing different items across multiple range-bound numerical criteria. It is also known as a spider chart because of the weblike form it has. It is a very useful chart for decision-making, based on known criteria, with scores assigned to the items compared across each criterion.
An example of a relevant use of a radar chart is a comparison of two or more vendors based on criteria, such as quality of service, cost of service, support offering, and years of experience. A radar chart is perfectly suited for such comparisons, and the following screenshots show us what it looks like:

Figure 8.34 – Radar chart for vendor comparison
You will, however, want to be careful that you do not confuse the report users. If you sense that your report users will struggle to get the insights presented by the radar chart, you can switch to the more familiar column or bar chart to convene the same insights.
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