Learn to use electron-builder to package Electron applications
Understand how to set up auto-updates for Electron applications
Learn to perform code-signing in all major platforms
Electron is a popular open source framework that allows you to build desktop applications using the skills you already possess as a front-end developer.
In this course, we'll go through detailed discussions on how to properly package, sign, and distribute Electron applications. We'll start by quickly explaining how Electron applications are packaged under the hood, and armed with that knowledge, we'll cover every single major operating system in detail by using tools that automate the whole process.
Desktop application deployment is not a trivial task, and you might feel lost coming from a web development background. This course will help you navigate the sea of desktop application distribution by teaching you best practices, answering common concerns, and explaining in detail how to delegate application packaging and deployment to continuous integration services, so you can deploy a version of your application to all operating systems with a single command
Who is this book for?
This course was made for Electron developers who are looking to distribute their Electron applications. Prior experience of Electron development is essential for this course.
What you will learn
Explore how Electron packaging tools work under the hood
Prepare your Electron application for application store submissions
Code-sign your Electron application to ensure integrity
Automate your deployments using continuous integration services
Configure Travis CI and Appveyor CI to automatically build and deploy Electron applications
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