Presentation-ready plotting tips
Here are some tips if you plan to use plots in your professional work.
Use styling
Consider using the following tips to style plots:
- You should consider using a style that accommodates your PowerPoint or slides. For example, if your presentation contains a lot of grayscale elements, you shouldn't use colorful plots.
- You should keep styling consistent across the presentation or report.
- You should avoid using markups that are too fancy.
- Be aware of the fact that sometimes people only have grayscale printing, so red and green may be indistinguishable. Use different markers and textures in this case.
For example, the following code replots the joint plot in grayscale style:
with'grayscale'): plt.figure(figsize=(12,6)) g = sns.jointplot("R_NATURAL_INC_2017", "R_birth_2017", data=dfTX, kind="reg",height=10)...