Go identifiers
Go identifiers are used to name program elements including packages, variables, functions, and types. The following summarizes some attributes about identifiers in Go:
- Identifiers support the Unicode character set
- The first position of an identifier must be a letter or an underscore
- Idiomatic Go favors mixed caps (camel case) naming
- Package-level identifiers must be unique across a given package
- Identifiers must be unique within a code block (functions, control statements)
The blank identifier
The Go compiler is particularly strict about the use of declared identifiers for variables or packages. The basic rule is: you declare it, you must use it. If you attempt to compile code with unused identifiers such as variables or named packages, the compilers will not be pleased and will fail compilation.
Go allows you to turn off this behavior using the blank identifier, represented by the _
(underscore) character. Any declaration or assignment that uses the blank identifier is not bound...