In Figure 12.1 is a circuit that meets the requirements we just listed. It has a push-button, a potentiometer in the form of a voltage divider connected to an ADS1115 analog-to-digital converter, and two LEDs connected by current limiting resistors. Adding additional LEDs will be as simple as wiring more LED and resistors pairs between GND and a free GPIO pin:
Figure 12.1 – Reference circuit schematic
If you have not already created a similar circuit on your own, we will create this circuit now on your breadboard. We will build this circuit in three parts. Let's get started:
Figure 12.2 – Reference circuit (part 1 of 3)
Here are the steps to follow to create the first part of our breadboard build where we place the components. The step numbers match the numbers in black circles in Figure 12.2:
- Place the ADS1115 module into your breadboard.
- Place the potentiometer into your breadboard.
- Place an LED into your breadboard, taking...