That's me, Linojon, the guy with a baseball cap in front, to the left! Momentously, the following photo was captured during the eve of the metaverse on December 21, 2014 at a live VRChat session. I had built a seasonally-themed world named GingerLand and invited my chatroom friends to visit during one of the weekly meetups. Then, someone suggested, "Hey, let's take a group picture!" So, we all assembled on the front porch of my wintry cabin and said "Cheese!" The rest is history:

For many people, the visceral experience of socially interacting live with other people in VR is at least as dramatic as the difference between using Facebook versus browsing a static website, or sharing Snapchats versus viewing an online photo album. It's very personal and alive. If you've tried it out yourself, you know exactly what I mean...