Business subscription plans
You may have signed up for a Xero trial or you are currently deciding on which Xero plan fits your business best. The basic plans advertised for Xero fit the general consumer’s needs.
There are three plans you can choose from:
- Early
- Growing
- Established
Each plan is set up to meet the needs of your business. We will dive into the differences between each plan in the next section.
Business subscription plan comparisons
Xero is built on a simple platform. Each subscription level unlocks features based on the needs of your business, whether it is in start-up mode, growth or scaling mode, or your business has reached maturity.
The Early plan is perfect for start-ups. The cost is low, at $13/month, yet packed with features you need to run your business. The Early plan limits the number of sales invoices and quotes to 20 per month and purchase bills (invoices) to 5 per month.
Depending on your business, this might be the perfect fit. Most of the clients I have seen (small start-up businesses) fit this plan perfectly.
Should your business model require more than 20 invoices or 5 bills per month, then the Growing plan is the solution for you. The Growing plan is Xero’s most popular plan, as it is the “complete” package for most businesses based in the US. This is the plan that most clients are on, at least those that require invoicing and purchasing.
If your business operates globally, and in multiple currencies, the Established plan is an ideal choice. In addition to multi-currency, the Xero Established plan includes Xero Projects and Xero Expenses:
- Xero Projects allows you to track time, costs, and revenue by specific projects. You can see project profitability, send bills by completion percentage, and even track project tasks in Trello.
- Xero Expenses gives you the ability to provide your team with an easy-to-use expense tracking and reimbursement system. Utilizing the Expenses mobile app allows a team member to snap a picture and submit expense details. You can approve expenses on the go on the mobile app and reimburse your team in the same way you pay your other bills.
All Xero business plans include Hubdoc, Xero’s bill and receipt capture tool. Using Hubdoc adds automation to a process, and I personally love automation. The following figure shows a side-by-side comparison of the Xero business plans:
Figure 1.1: Xero business subscription plans
Now that we have had a chance to review the Xero business plans, let’s look at the other options.