Time for action — creating a reflection
In this example, we're aiming to create a simple text heading that has a reflection below it and then to add a little something special (but very simple) to the text to make it stand apart with very few additional effects. Here's what we'll create:

- Open a new document in Inkscape, create a text box, and enter some text. In our example, we'll use the word: REFLECTIONS.
- Next, we are going to clone the image. From the main menu, select Edit, Clone, and then Create Clone.
- Now we need to flip the cloned image vertically to create the basics for our reflection. An easy way to do this is to press the V key (or from the main menu, select Object and then Flip Vertically).
- Move the flipped image below the original text.
- From the toolbox, select the rectangle tool and create a rectangle that covers the reflected (or cloned) image.
- Now we need to set a gradient on this rectangle. To start, make sure to set the fill to black.
- Click the gradient...