Creating custom detections
In the KQL editor, we have a Create detection rule option, which allows us to create our detections tailored to our own environment:

Figure 19.4 – The Create detection rule option in the KQL editor
Say we want to monitor changes to sensitive administrative groups in AD. We would start by constructing a query like this:
let MonitoredGroups = datatable(GroupName:string) [ "Account Operators", "Administrators", "Backup Operators", "Domain Admins", "Domain Controllers", "Enterprise Admins", ]; IdentityDirectoryEvents | where ActionType == "Group Membership changed" | extend AdditionalFields = parse_json(AdditionalFields) | extend FromGroup = AdditionalFields.["FROM.GROUP"] | extend ToGroup = AdditionalFields.["TO.GROUP"] // Extract target user or device name | extend TargetObject = iff( isnull(AdditionalFields.["TARGET_OBJECT...