In this chapter, you learned how to build a web service using the FastEndpoints third-party package. You learned about:
- The benefits of the FastEndpoints package.
- How to implement an endpoint using FastEndpoints.
- How to configure an endpoint using FastEndpoints.
FastEndpoints is designed with performance in mind. It leverages the .NET runtime's performance optimizations to minimize overhead and improve request/response times. Compared to controller-based frameworks like ASP.NET Core Web API, FastEndpoints has a lower footprint and faster execution times, which is particularly beneficial for high-load applications and microservices that require minimal latency.
FastEndpoints focuses on reducing the amount of boilerplate code needed to define and handle API endpoints. You don't need controllers, attributes, or complex configurations. The framework simplifies the process by letting developers define routes, HTTP methods, and request/response handling in a clear and concise...