Build a build and deploy cross-platform apps from scratch for Android and iOS using Ionic v4.
Learn Ionic 4 to design highly available and cross-platform apps with ease.
Build amazing apps that not only run on any platform but also are globally scalable using Ionic.
Ionic 4 marks the first version of the framework to completely embrace modern web APIs such as custom elements, CSS variables, and Shadow DOM.
This course shows you how to get started with Ionic 4. You will use UI components that come with Ionic and are available for use in your apps, right out-of-the-box. You'll connect your Ionic app with a NoSQL database such as Firebase to enable your app to use all the amazing Firebase features such as Firebase Auth and Cloud Firestore. You will work on the ToDo APP project, a Task Manager app using Ionic. By the end of the course, you'll have used Ionic 4 to build and prepared a cross-platform app for release into Google Play Store and App Store.
So are you excited to build your first app with Ionic 4? Let's get started.
All the code files for this course are available on Github at - https://github.com/PacktPublishing/Building-Mobile-Apps-with-Ionic-4-
This course is for developers with basic JavaScript, HTML, and CSS experience who wish to learn how to build mobile apps with Ionic 4. No knowledge of Ionic is needed. Those with experience in Ionic 4 who are keen to learn its new features will also find this course useful.
• Write once using Ionic 4 and release to multiple app stores.
• Use Cordova plugins to access numerous native device apps from iOS and Android
• Integrate Firebase in you Ionic apps to store app data on a scalable NoSQL database: Cloud Firestore.
• Build amazing UIs with Ionic's built-in set of components—for example, lists, icons, buttons, cards, and many more.
• Build an app for both Android and iOS with a single codebase.
• Use the web technology skills that you have acquired to build mobile apps.