A DCE/RPC overview
An RPC is a mechanism in distributed computing where a computer program (the caller procedure) executing in one context can invoke a procedure executing in a different context (the called procedure), using the help of a network communication protocol. In an RPC, the entity that makes the procedure invocation is referred to as the RPC client, and the entity that receives and executes the procedure is the RPC server. To make the procedure call, the RPC client must establish a connection to the server, which is referred to as binding.
According to www.dcerpc.org, DCE/RPC is an implementation of the RPC technology developed by the Open Group as part of the Distributed Computing Environment. DCE/RPC is mostly used to interact with Windows network services.
RPC interfaces are a set of procedures that a server offers and that a client can invoke. An RPC server can have any number of interfaces. The RPC interfaces have a unique identifier called an interface UUID,...