Our example
In this chapter, as an example, we will migrate a minimal bibliography store. A bibliographic store contains a huge set of publications that can be referenced.
Our example is composed of the following entities:
Reference: This can be a book, journal or conference article
Publisher: This can be a company, university, organization, or conference from where the article is published.
Author: This represents the author of a publication
The following figure shows the E-R diagram of the database:

An in-depth explanation of the E-R diagram would be far beyond the purpose of this book; here we can just say that the purpose of the E-R diagram is to describe a model based on entities and relationships. It shows the following features:
Entities: These are the objects that have an independent existence and can be identified uniquely. They are represented in a box.
Attributes: These are the values whose existence depends on an entity; an attribute does not make sense alone and must be related...