The Blog App and its deployment configuration
Since we discussed the Blog App in the last chapter, let’s look at the services and their interactions again:

Figure 12.5 – The Blog App and its services and interactions
So far, we’ve created CI pipelines for building, testing, and pushing our Blog App microservice containers. These microservices need to run somewhere. So, we need an environment for this. We will deploy the application in a GKE cluster; for that, we will need a Kubernetes YAML manifest. We built the container for the posts
microservice as an example in the previous chapter, and I also left building the rest of the services as an exercise for you. Assuming you’ve built them, we will need the following resources for the application to run seamlessly:
- MongoDB: We will deploy an auth-enabled MongoDB database with root credentials. The credentials will be injected via environment variables sourced from a Kubernetes...