Today, DoorDash is the largest food delivery platform in the US, but that hasn’t always been the case. In January 2018, DoorDash had just 17% share of a super-competitive market, competing against many well-funded competitors.
Food delivery is a low-margin business, so not only did they need to increase market share, but they also needed to increase profitability on every order.
By October 2020, DoorDash had achieved 50% market share, and much of their success has been attributed to their investment in data quality, data platforms, and AI.
DoorDash has invested heavily in a data platform11 with a focus on:
- Reliability, quality, and SLAs: DoorDash has recognized the importance of detecting and monitoring the quality of their data and catching any problems as early as possible. This reduces the time to recovery and the associated costs—particularly when dealing with data at scale.
- Prioritizing trust in data: DoorDash sees...