In this chapter, you learned about regional settings. Oracle Cloud provides you with multilingual databases adjustable for each user separately. Date and time values are affected by the NLS parameters. NLS_DATE_FORMAT
determines the output format and implicit conversions. NLS_DATE_LANGUAGE
determines the language of date and time values when textual representations are used. NLS_TERRITORY
is responsible for the definition of the week and whether the first day of the week is Monday or Sunday. All these parameters can be set on the session level or inherited from the system itself. A specific approach to the TO_CHAR
function, embedding the NLS parameter inside the call, was also explored. Using this, the session configuration will not be affected, with the original parameters remaining in force.
This chapter concludes Part 3 of the book – Modeling, Storing, and Managing Date and Time, dealing with the principles of storage, construction, conversion, extraction, and...