Scaffolding the application structure
You may have noticed that the content of this book is all about heroes. After all, we are heroes in our everyday life – heroes of software development. So, the Angular 10 app that we want to create is not going to deviate from that.
We are going to create an Angular Heroes Registry. In a nutshell, the user of the application will be able to manage heroes and assign them to missions. The main features of the application are as follows:
- Displaying a list of heroes
- Adding a new hero
- Assigning a new mission to a hero
- Marking a mission as completed
For the design of the application, we'll use Angular Material together with Angular Flex Layout, which we learned about in Chapter 9, Introduction to Angular Material. We'll use the built-in Deep Purple/Amber Angular Material theme, and we'll also include Angular Material typography. Our application looks like the following:
