Implementing per-fragment directional light
In this recipe, we will now implement directional light. The only difference between a point light and a directional light is that in the case of the directional light source, there is no position, however, there is direction, as shown in the following figure.

The figure compares directional and point light sources. For a point light source (left-hand side image), the light vector at each vertex is variable, depending on the relative positioning of the vertex with respect to the point light source. For directional light source (right-hand side image), all of the light vectors at vertices are the same and they all point in the direction of the directional light source.
Getting started
We will build on the geometry handling code from the per-fragment lighting recipe, but, instead of the pulsating cubes, we will now render a single cube with a sphere. The code for this recipe is contained in the Chapter4/DirectionalLight
folder. The same code also works...