Topic challenge – closed-loop control
Here’s a challenge for you so that you can continue practicing creating nodes, publishers, and subscribers. We will start a new ROS 2 project and improve it throughout the following chapters, as we discover more concepts.
I encourage you to read the instructions and take the time to complete this challenge before you check the solution. Practicing is the key to effective learning.
I will not provide a full explanation of all the steps, just a few remarks on the important points. You can find the complete solution code on GitHub, for both Python and C++.
Your challenge is to write a controller for the turtlesim
node. So far, we’ve just used simple and basic numbers to publish and subscribe to topics. With this, you can practice as if you were working on a real robot.
The goal is simple: we want to make the turtle move in a circle. On top of this, we also want to modify the velocity of the turtle, whether...