Methodology comparison
"Learning to choose is hard. Learning to choose well is harder. And learning to choose well in a world of unlimited possibilities is harder still."
– Barry Schwartz on the paradox of choice
In 2004, Barry Schwartz rocked the world with something we have always intuitively felt. The more choices we have, the more stress we experience. We have outlined a few methods. Let's compare them graphically and hope the winner will visually stand out.
Firstly, let's print the floor/ceiling alone. The small dots are level 1. The big dots are level 2. The black triangle is the floor. The shade is the length of the regime. It starts from the first swing low and goes all the way to the right. Even the pandemic "soft patch" did not put a dent in it. This is as stable as it possibly can be:

Figure 5.22: SPY floor/ceiling bullish regime forever
This could come across as unresponsive to market gyrations...