- Visit the Go site: https://golang.org/.
- Visit the site of Docker: https://www.docker.com/.
- Visit the Docker Hub site: https://hub.docker.com/.
- Go 2 Draft Designs: https://blog.golang.org/go2draft.
- Browse the Go documentation site: https://golang.org/doc/.
- Visit the documentation of the log package at https://golang.org/pkg/log/.
- Visit the documentation of the log/syslog package at https://golang.org/pkg/log/syslog/.
- Visit the documentation of the os package at https://golang.org/pkg/os/.
- Have a look at https://golang.org/cmd/gofmt/, which is the documentation page of the gofmt tool that is used for formatting Go code.
- Write a Go program that finds the sum of all command-line arguments that are valid numbers.
- Write a Go program that finds the average value of floating-point numbers that are given as command-line arguments.
- Write a Go program that keeps reading integers until it gets the word END as input.
- Can you modify customLog.go in order to write its log data into two log files at the same time? You might need to read Chapter 8, Telling a UNIX System What to Do, for help.
- If you are working on a Mac machine, check the TextMate editor at http://macromates.com/, as well as BBEdit at https://www.barebones.com/products/bbedit/.
- Visit the documentation page of the fmt package at https://golang.org/pkg/fmt/ to learn more about verbs and the available functions.
- Please visit https://blog.golang.org/why-generics to learn more about Go and Generics.