After getting the link information, we can start to generate the inverse kinematic solver source file for handling the IK of this robot. All the files needed to follow the tutorial of this section are available in the source code folder, ikfast_demo, provided with this book. Alternatively, you can download this code by cloning the following Git repository:
$ git clone
Use the following command to generate the IK solver for the ABBIRB 6640 robot:
$ python `openrave-config --python-dir`/openravepy/_openravepy_/ --robot=irb6640.dae --iktype=transform6d --baselink=1 --eelink=8 --savefile=ikfast61.cpp
The preceding command generates a CPP file called ikfast61.cpp , in which the IK type is transform6d, the position of the baselink is 1, and the end effector link is...