Visualizing the Ticket Management UI
We’ll now build the pages and components we will need to manage tickets. Let’s recall the key requirements of that area:
- Navigation and the possibility of logging out
- An overview page for the ticket list
- A possibility to view ticket details with a comments section
- A possibility to create a new ticket
- A tabular list of users for the tenant, which will allow other users to see who is available and who is an admin user with higher permissions
To help you, I have sketched a conceptual design for you to follow along:

Figure 3.3: A conceptual design for the ticket system
In our project, we don’t want to have complex navigation. At the top of the screen, we want to have the company (tenant) name. Then, in the navigation bar, we will only need three primary navigation links – Ticket List, Create New Ticket, and User List. At the end of the navigation bar, we will add...