Now that Veil is installed, we can take a look at its commands. The commands are straightforward, with exit allowing us to exit the program, and info providing us with information about a specific tool.list will list the available tools, update will update Veil, and finally, use enables the use of any tool, as shown in the following screenshot:

The list command displays Veil's main commands, which are as follows:
- Evasion: This generates undetectable backdoors
- Ordnance: This generates the payloads used by Evasion; this is more of a secondary tool
A payload is a part of the code, or of the backdoor, that does what we want it to. In this case, it gives us a reverse connection and downloads and executes something on a target computer.
When Veil-Evasion has loaded, you should see something similar to the following screenshot:

As you can see, Veil gives us...