Understanding the STIX standard
STIX is a CTI standard that provides a common language for organizations to defend against cyber threats. It facilitates the sharing of intelligence analytics using an open source. structured, standard language. The standard is designed to be used in a simple way. It is flexible and can be automated and integrated with any CTI platform. It uses XML (version 1) and JSON (version 2) languages to convey threat information. Because XML and JSON are popular, parsable languages, STIX is highly manageable for security analysts and tools. The standard addresses several use cases, such as cyber threat analysis, threat indicator patterns specifications, threat response management, and threat intelligence sharing. Let's explore these use cases in detail. The following use cases studied are extracted from Sean Barnum's white paper (https://bit.ly/3Ftj9SE).
Using STIX for cyber threat analysis
CTI analysts collect a vast amount of data from different...