Provisioning an EC2 server
We are going to provision an EC2 server step by step. There are different types of EC2 machines; we will provision a free server. I would recommend terminating the server when you finish your work, as we are just using EC2 for learning purposes.
To provision an EC2 server on AWS, carry out the following steps:
- Go to the AWS Management Console.
- Search for EC2 and go to the link titled EC2:
Figure 4.3 – AWS Management Console
- In order to launch an instance, click Instances on the left side, and then click Launch instances:
Figure 4.4 – Create an instance
- In the new panel, you can give a name to the EC2 instance. You can see that we titled ours Test_Python. On this launch page, AWS recommends a Linux machine, which is in the free tier. The free tier means that you don’t need to pay money to AWS. We will proceed with that option: